Webinar: AI-Driven Constraint Generation for PCB and IC Package Design


While constraint-driven design is not a new concept, the demand for automation and integration between design and analysis tools has grown with increasing design complexity. Optimizing constraints with AI/ML is a driving force for the productivity necessary to address today’s compressed design cycles. Tight integration and complete automation are crucial to enhancing productivity and efficiency. …

Webinar: AI-Driven Constraint Generation for PCB and IC Package Design


While constraint-driven design is not a new concept, the demand for automation and integration between design and analysis tools has grown with increasing design complexity. Optimizing constraints with AI/ML is a driving force for the productivity necessary to address today’s compressed design cycles. Tight integration and complete automation are crucial to enhancing productivity and efficiency. …

Supercomputing 2024 (SC24)

Georgia World Congress Center 285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA, United States

Program Each year, SC provides the leading technical program for professionals and students in the HPC community, as measured by impact, at the highest academic and professional standards. The Program is designed to share best practices in areas such as: algorithms; applications; architectures and networks; clouds and distributed computing; data analytics, visualization, and storage; machine …

Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology (WOSET)


Workshop on Open-Source EDA Technology The WOSET workshop aims to galvanize the open-source EDA movement. The workshop will (virtually) bring together EDA researchers who are committed to open-source principles to share their experiences and coordinate efforts towards developing a reliable, fully open-source EDA flow. The workshop will feature presentations that overview existing or under-development open-source …

Defect-Based Testing

Munich, Germany

Semiconductor and integrated circuit developments continue to proceed at an incredible pace. For example, today's application-specific ICs and microprocessors can contain upwards of 100 million transistors. Traditional testing relies on the stuck-at-fault (SAF) to model defect behavior. Unfortunately, the SAF model is a poor model for defects. Other models and strategies are required to catch …