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Why I hope the BCOM attempt to merge with QCOM fails

Very personal reason, nothing to do with the business merits (mostly). I have been bombarded with calls, every night, wanting to get me to vote on this. I guess I must own QCOM stock somewhere. This is a hyper-aggressive campaign to intimidate stockholders into voting, apparently in BCOM interests, just to stop the calls. So I shut down the calls. In my view, this is not a tactic representative of a high-quality business proposition. It is street-market hustling.

May they go down in flames.
This is the battle over 5G which represents the most comprehensive, far reaching network ever to be built. The stakes are literally staggering and I have been following it because of my smallest holding in TMUS. The 5G ecosystem and its off shoots. will be a large market, if not the largest, for the whole semi ecosystem world wide. I hold TSM, AMAT, MU, VSH in the interest of full disclosure. 5G will represent the largest step yet taken to reach singularity with AI/ML becoming the controlling foundation of IOT and almost everything else. The stakes are high for every company for this represents a key part of the most profound change in the history of mankind. Expect the competition in all segments of the coming of AI/ML to be fierce, but hopefully beneficial to all. Wisdom required.
Sadly, with stakes this high, common sense and decency can easily evaporate. There are always options , but many times egos get in the way.
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