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Weebit Nano demonstrates its first crossbar ReRAM arrays


Staff member
Multiple potential uses, including discrete memory chips and neuromorphic computing

Weebit Nano Limited (ASX:WBT; Weebit or the Company), a leading developer of next-generation memory technologies for the global semiconductor industry, is pleased to announce that together with its development partner CEA-Leti, it has demonstrated its first operational crossbar arrays, a key milestone on the Company’s path to creating discrete (stand-alone) non-volatile memory (NVM) chips.

The 1T1R (one transistor one resistor) architecture used in embedded ReRAM arrays is not sufficient to support the large arrays of memory cells needed in discrete (stand-alone) memory chips. For this reason, Weebit’s crossbar arrays were developed using a 1S1R (one selector one resistor) architecture that enables the high density needed for discrete chips. Such an architecture also allows Weebit’s arrays to be stacked in 3D layers so they can deliver even higher densities.


Weebit’s 1S1R crossbar ReRAM architecture has potential applications in storage class memory, persistent memory and as a NOR flash replacement. It is also ideal for AI architectures such as in-memory computing and neuromorphic computing.

Commenting on the Company’s latest technology development milestone, CEO Coby Hanoch said:

“Weebit Nano continues to make significant technical and commercial progress within the embedded sector – recently successfully scaling our ReRAM technology down to 28nm. Now, with the creation of our first kilobit crossbar arrays, we’re continuing our progress toward discrete memory solutions. Developing such a crossbar array is a very innovative process that requires significant research. As part of this work, we recently filed several new patents together with CEA-Leti, designed to further protect Weebit’s ReRAM intellectual property, with a focus on 1S1R architectures and selector cell programming.”
This announcement has been authorised for release by the Board of Weebit Nano Limited.

About Weebit Nano Limited​

Weebit Nano Ltd. is a leading developer of next-generation semiconductor memory technology. The company’s ground-breaking Resistive RAM (ReRAM) addresses the growing need for significantly higher performance and lower power memory solutions in a range of new electronic products such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices, smartphones, robotics, autonomous vehicles, 5G communications and artificial intelligence.

Weebit’s ReRAM allows semiconductor memory elements to be significantly faster, less expensive, more reliable and more energy efficient than those using existing Flash memory solutions. Because it is based on fab-friendly materials, the technology can be quickly and easily integrated with existing flows and processes, without the need for special equipment or large investments.
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Media Contacts:​

Eric Kuret, Market Eye
P: +61 417 311 335

Media – Australia
Tristan Everett, Market Eye
P: +61 403 789 096

Media – US
Jen Bernier-Santarini, Weebit Nano
P: +1 650-336-4222

Link to Press Release