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TSMC CEO Discusses Q2 2011 Results - Earnings Call Transcript

Daniel Nenni

Staff member
Here is the transcript of the Q2 2011 conference call. TSMC is my economic bellwether and Morris Chang is my favorite semiconductor CEO so I never miss a conference call.

The Q&A is my favorite part. Morris goes off script and tells it like it is:

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing CEO Discusses Q2 2011 Results - Earnings Call Transcript - Seeking Alpha

There is an error at the end however:

ichael McConnell – Pacific Crest Securities
Okay. It’s very helpful. And then last question, just [FINSET] ramp at 14 nanometer, is that 2014 or 2015?
Morris Chang
No that’s, lets see, that should be the fourth quarter of ’13.
Michael McConnell – Pacific Crest Securities
’13, okay.
Morris Chang
Fourth quarter of 2013.

20nm is fourth quarter 2013. 14nm with 3D Transistors (Fin-Fet) is 2015 I believe.


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