1. You want to make a 2TB NVME SSD
2. You buy $50 of dumping pricing YMTC flash chips
3. If you just sell chips to USA at cost, they get the blanket China tariff, and cost $70 at the port of entry, which is already near the retail price.
4. If you move chips to a third country, add a $0.5 Chinese SSD controller, mainland Chinese PCB, and assemble them on an SMT line for one more dollar, you can confidently slap the "Made In that third country"
5. The above however not always means the country of origin for customs purposes, and at the same time can be completely legit. The exact determination is an unbelievably long mess of court decisions in common law countries — "You will not know until you get sued"
6. The history behind the point above is vividly illustrated by "Made In China" goods paying PRC tariff rate despite being 99% made of Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese components. That was the reasons for years of disputes before, as China paid lesser tariff as an underdeveloped country under WTC rules.
7. With low single digit tariff, it never made sense to realise profits in a more expensive tax jurisdiction.
8. With double digit tariffs, things are not so simple, and you will be incentivised to realise more profit at the destination, and take less profit as such to stay competitive. BUT, if OEM has zero legal presence in USA, he don't need to declare profit in USA.
SMT line in a third country is a license to print money now with simple, single PCB products.
2. You buy $50 of dumping pricing YMTC flash chips
3. If you just sell chips to USA at cost, they get the blanket China tariff, and cost $70 at the port of entry, which is already near the retail price.
4. If you move chips to a third country, add a $0.5 Chinese SSD controller, mainland Chinese PCB, and assemble them on an SMT line for one more dollar, you can confidently slap the "Made In that third country"
5. The above however not always means the country of origin for customs purposes, and at the same time can be completely legit. The exact determination is an unbelievably long mess of court decisions in common law countries — "You will not know until you get sued"
6. The history behind the point above is vividly illustrated by "Made In China" goods paying PRC tariff rate despite being 99% made of Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese components. That was the reasons for years of disputes before, as China paid lesser tariff as an underdeveloped country under WTC rules.
7. With low single digit tariff, it never made sense to realise profits in a more expensive tax jurisdiction.
8. With double digit tariffs, things are not so simple, and you will be incentivised to realise more profit at the destination, and take less profit as such to stay competitive. BUT, if OEM has zero legal presence in USA, he don't need to declare profit in USA.
SMT line in a third country is a license to print money now with simple, single PCB products.