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SPIE--What to see/what you saw

SPIE Advanced Lithography conferences happen this week at the San Jose convention center. Technical conferences include EUV litho, alternative litho, metrology, materials, optical litho, and DFM through design-process integration.

If you're going (and have an iPhone), download the SPIE iPhone app! It includes the entire program and lets you create a schedule.

Here are a few papers I plan to see:
Design-specific joint optimization of masks and sources on a very large scale (Tuesday, 11:50am, Ballroom A2)

Applicability of global source mask optimization to 22/20-nm node and beyond (Tuesday, 3:00pm, Ballroom A2)

A state-of-the-art hotspot recognition system for full-ship verification with lithographic simulation (Wednesday 5:30, Ballroom A4)

EUV flare and proximity modeling and model-based correction (Tuesday, 5:10pm, Ballroom B)

And of course, the poster reception for some pre-dinner socializing!