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The Hailey twins Shawn and Kim were legendary in Silicon Valley having written HSPICE, considered by many as the Gold-Standard for SPICE circuit simulators over decades.
My first use of HSPICE was at Wang Laboratories back in 1982, where we had to use a dial-up connection to a mainframe running HSPICE. I was simulating a CMOS design at the 6um node, or the 6,000 nm node to put it in perspective with today's designs at 28nm.
I first came into contact with the Hailey brothers when working at Burr-Brown in the early 80s (81, 82 or so...). We bought a copy of the source code for HSpice in order to transition from dial-up, timeshare simulation. After hiring a physics student from UofA to rewrite portions of it, we put this code on a VAX, canceled the timeshare relationship and never looked back. Shawn was part of a legend.