January 10, 2023
Quadric’s CEO and Cofounder Veerbhan Kheterpal will speak on January 31, 2023, at DesignCon 2023 at the Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA. The panel, titled “Real-World Deployment of AI/ML in Chip & Board Applications,” is scheduled from 4:45 – 6:00 pm in Ballroom C.
Panel moderator Shakeel Jeeawoody of Siemens EDA will lead the discussion of the advances and real-world AI/ML deployment examples across the semiconductor supply chain. The discussion will highlight the benefits derived from implementing AI/ML as well as any drawbacks or disruptions caused by this innovation.
Veerbhan Kheterpal will discuss the challenges of using multi-core hardware solutions, which are difficult to program and adapt to new machine learning algorithms. These algorithms are evolving and getting much better every year. Unfortunately, most AI accelerators cannot be easily programmed, and new algorithms must be processed at much lower speeds in the DSPs and CPUs on the chip.
Quadric’s Chimera™ general purpose neural processors (GPNPUs) offer the ability to handle both ML graph processing and classical data-parallel C++ algorithms in a unified fully programmable architecture. This blends the best attributes of NPU accelerators with DSPs.
Information on the panel discussion and DesignCon 2023 is available at the DesignCon site.
Link to Press Release