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ICCAD 2019: Conference Program Highlight on Keynote Speakers

Daniel Nenni

Staff member

Conference Keynote Talks
Monday, November 4
Keynote: Beyond CMOS Technologies for Computing: Prospects and Best Bets


Keynote Speaker: Ian Young, Senior Fellow and Director of Exploratory Integrated Circuits, Components Research, Technology and Manufacturing Group, Intel Corporation
CMOS integrated circuit technology for computation is at an inflexion point. Although this is the technology which has enabled the semiconductor industry to make vast progress over the past 30-plus years, it is expected to see challenges going beyond the ten year horizon, particularly from an energy efficiency point of view. Learn more

Wednesday, November 6
Keynote: Probabilistic and Machine Learning Approaches for Autonomous Robots and Automated Driving


Keynote Speaker: Wolfram Burgard - Toyota Research Institute

The capability to robustly perceive their environments and to execute their actions is the ultimate goal in the areas autonomous robots and automated driving. The key challenge is that there are no sensors and no actuators that are perfect, which means that robots and cars need the ability to properly deal with the resulting uncertainty. In this presentation I will provide an introduction to the probabilistic approach to robotics, which provides a rigorous statistical methodology to deal with the perception and planning. Learn more

Monday, November 4
Additional Event at ICCAD 2019
Second Working Group Meeting on Logic Locking and Anti-Trojan Solutions

It will be the second of the two Working Group Meetings on Logic Locking and Anti-Trojan Solutions, sponsored by DARPA. The goal of this meeting is to bring together members from academia, industry and government to discuss current challenges and needs in obfuscation and Trojan countermeasures; identify promising research directions in these areas; and suggest appropriate actions for the DoD enterprise. Learn more

Registration Open
Registration is open view the rates here. Register at the best rate now through October 7.

Join us at the the Westin Westminster
ICCAD 2019 will be held in Westminster, Colorado. Explore the Denver area while at the conference.

ICCAD has a discounted room rate of $179 king/double for November 2 - November 7, 2019. The room rate includes complimentary Wi-fi. Please note that to secure this rate you will need to make your reservation through theThe Westin Westminster. The special room rate will be available until Wednesday, October 10, 2019 by 5:00pm Mountain Time or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first.

Student Grants Available

The SIGDA Diversity Advancement Grants are provided to students who are travelling to the SIGDA sponsored conferences. These awards are intended to increase the participation and inclusion of under-represented groups in SIGDA and support student success. Learn more here.
Thank you to our Sponsors
