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Google+ anyone?

MySpace, FaceBook, LinkedIN, Twitter, and now Google+. Can someone tell me why we should join all of these social media platforms? Wouldn't it be better to focus on one or two and make sure you get the full value and optimize your online time?

I just don't have the grey matter to master all of these platforms so which one(s) do you choose?


Excellent point.

MySpace has "jumped the shark" and is spiraling downward to zero users, so that one can be ruled out for now. The original focus was for Indy music groups to connect with their fans.

Facebook has 750 Million users and is still growing, so businesses, individuals and groups do find value in talking to each other. The original focus was for college students to stay connected.

LinkedIn hit 100 million users and has a business focus. They continue to add Facebook-like features, flattering the social networking leader. I use LinkedIn Groups to build awareness for blog posts.

Twitter can become useful if you use and search for hashtags like #SemiEDA, #SemiWiki and #49DAC. I mostly write to Twitter as a way to build awareness for blog posts but don't read from it much.

Google+ is on the fastest new user ramp rate in the history of the Internet for social networking. It will really take off when Groups and Companies are added.

As a practical matter you have to choose one at a time and measure the effectiveness.

With open platforms and APIs we can write once and publish everywhere. When I post my status on LinkedIn it also automatically tweets. Thanks to RSS my business home page automatically shows a link to every article that I write on SemiWiki.

The value of social networking to an EDA marketing professional is to listen to the conversations based on keywords that fit their product or segment, then contribute to the conversations as needed.