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Fast SPICE Simulation workshop in Fremont, CA on August 2nd (Mentor tool)

Daniel Payne

ADiT: Fast-SPICE Simulation Workshop (Fremont, CA)

As mixed-signal designs increase in size and complexity the limitation of traditional fast-SPICE tools have become more apparent. The latest breakthrough in the ADMS verification platform is ADiT, a fast-SPICE simulator developed and optimized specifically for nanometer mixed-signal applications such as PLL, DLL, DAC, ADC, LDO, SERDES, etc.

During this lab-intensive, half-day workshop you will gain first-hand experience evaluating ADiT - Mentor's next-generation fast-SPICE simulator. Learn how you can benefit from ADiT as a stand-alone product or in conjunction with Questa ADMS as a robust fast-SPICE mixed-signal simulation solution.

Seating is VERY limited to maximize your learning experience, so submit your interest immediately to request your spot. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

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How does ADiT coma pre to eldo premier ? They are both fast spice, and both come from mentor ... Is ADiT less accurate and faster?
ADiT has a capacity of 10 million MOS elements which is a few X more than Eldo Premier.

ADiT always does an automatic partitioning of your netlist and uses both time-step and event-driven simulation.

Eldo Premier is only time-step driven simulation.

ADiT comes from Taiwan while Eldo comes from France, always a bit of internal rivalry.
Is this the table-based simulator that a single parasitic BJT brings to a stop?

Optimized for low drop-out? Come on now...

Over the very many years Mentor has been offering table based transistor level circuit simulators, I've repeatedly tested them and they have previously been knocked out early-round because they could not handle BJTs at all, and every chip I've ever done has at least a few parasitic BJTs in it. Analog-Digital Macromodel, ADM, was partitioning and running table based transient sims on our complex parameterized HSPICE netlists on our 880,000 transistor 85% analog 99.9% IGFET 0.1% BJT design in 1995, ADM launching HSPICE for the models. Analogy's Saber & Nspitos since what, 1984?

Why should we look yet again?
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Mentor's previous FastSPICE tool Mach TA would simulate BJT, and now ADiT will simulate BJT however they won't accelerate these devices, just normal SPICE speeds on BJT devices. The more BJT devices in your netlist the slower your simulation will run...