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DVCon India 2022 Announces Best Paper & Best Poster Winners

Daniel Nenni

Staff member
In-person conference & expo well-attended

Bangalore, India – September 21, 2022 –The Design and Verification Conference and Exhibition (DVCon) India, sponsored by Accellera Systems Initiative (Accellera), announces its Best Paper and Poster winners for 2022. Overall attendance for DVCon India, held in-person this year, was close to 400.

“On behalf of the steering committee, I would like to acknowledge all who helped make DVCon India 2022 a grand success! We could see sparkling energy and fervour during our first in-person event post pandemic,” stated Pradeep Salla, DVCon India 2022 General Chair. “We are extremely thankful for our keynote speakers, industry panelists, tutorial speakers, technical paper presenters, authors, sponsors, exhibitors etc for making this one of the best global events of the year.

“The technical sessions were extremely interesting, and our jury had a herculean task of selecting the best of the best. We thank our jury, judges, and attendees in doing a wonderful job of selecting the Best Paper and Poster winners among different categories. Congratulations to all the winners and a much appreciation for all the submitters as they made this DVCon India 2022 more competitive than ever.”

Award Winners:

General Category

  • Best Paper - Winner: A Generic Configurable Error Injection Agent for On-Chip Memories
    Niharika Sachdeva, Arjun Suresh Kumar, Anil Deshpande, Somasunder Kattepura Sreenath, Raviteja Gopagiri and Damandeep Saini
  • Best Paper - Runner-Up: Disciplined post silicon validation using ML intelligence
    Amaresh Chellapilla and Pandithurai Sangaiyah
  • Best Paper - Notable Mention: Fault Injection Strategy to Validate ASIL-D Requirements of BMS Components
    Praneeth Uddagiri, Veera Satya Sai Gavirni and Prashantkumar Ravindra
    Analog Devices
  • Best Paper - Notable Mention: An Efficient Methodology for Development of Cryptographic Engines
    Sandesh Kanchodu, Tarun Rajendra Mittal, Sachin Kashyap and Subramanian Parameswaran
Formal Category
  • Best Paper - Winner: The Formal way – Fast and Accurate Hashing Algorithm Verification
    Sini Balakrishnan, Sireesha Tulluri, Bindumadhava Ss and Disha Puri
  • Best Paper - Runner-Up: OIL check of PCIe with Formal Verification
    Vedprakash Mishra, Carlston Lim, Anshul Jain, Zhi Feng Lee, Jian Zhong Wang and Achutha Kirankumar V M
  • Best Poster
    • Best Poster - Winner: A novel approach to reduce power consumption by bridging the gap between standalone functional scenario and real time scenario at SoC
      Harshal Kothari, Eldin Ben Jacob, Sriram Kazhiyur Sounderrajan and Somasunder Kattepura Sreenath
    • Best Poster - Runner-Up: Reset Verification using Formal tool
      Arju Khatun and Shiva Nagendar Pokala
“Meeting everyone face-to-face and networking after a gap of three years was exciting! This year we expanded our Steering Committee to extend our reach to academia and help grow university participation,” continued Pradeep. “We also made a conscious effort to expand the reach of DVCon India to include Southeast Asia. We benefitted from a very strong team this year which enabled us to bring an exciting agenda which had key takeaways for everyone who participated in the conference. We look forward to seeing everyone in person next year for DVCon 2023!” Pradeep concluded.

Highlights of the Conference
  • Attendees had 36 papers, three tutorials, 17 posters, two panels, 10 short workshops, a Vision Talk, keynotes, and an exhibition to explore throughout the two-day in person program.

  • Hackathon on “Accelerating AI on FPGA” for Academia was added this year to give academia more opportunities to be part of the ecosystem. This is a first hackathon for DVCon across the globe.

  • Manish Pandey, Vice President of Engineering, Synopsys, presented the keynote “Unleashing AI/ML for Faster Verification Closure” on Monday to an audience of approximately 300. He discussed advances in Machine Learning and how applying ML has enabled significant closure convergence and verification cycle reduction.
  • We had keynotes from Dave Rich from Siemens EDA, Madhav Rao from Tessolve, Lokesh Babu from Cadence, Joy Chandra from Qualcomm and Subramani (Subi) Kengeri from Applied Materials.

  • Two intriguing panels were held on Monday and Tuesday. The first panel sponsored by Intel, “Verifying on the Bleeding Edge at Breakneck Speed,” moderated by Yudhishthira Kundu, Intel, took a deep dive into the roadmap for verification for the new generation of advanced processors and systems which could potentially change the semiconductor landscape. The second panel sponsored by Siemens, “What will it take to fully implement a digital transformation platform for tools, IP and services?” moderated by Shakeel Jeeawoody, Siemens EDA, focused on the need for a well-integrated verification and validation environment as a platform to evaluate, develop and test soft and hard IP solutions and employ a shift-left methodology for software development, improving quality and time to market.

  • A special registration rate for university students and authors was added this year to encourage the academic community to connect with practicing engineers.
  • More than 25 exhibitors enjoyed a great deal of foot traffic and provided excellent networking opportunities.
Save the date: DVCon India 2023 will be held September 13 – 14, 2023 in Bengaluru, India.

About DVCon
DVCon is the premier conference for discussion of the functional design and verification of electronic systems. DVCon is sponsored by Accellera Systems Initiative, an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to creating design and verification standards required by systems, semiconductor, intellectual property (IP) and electronic design automation (EDA) companies. In response to global interest, in addition to DVCon India, Accellera also sponsors events in the U.S., China, and Europe. For more information about Accellera, please visit For more information about India., please visit Follow DVCon India on Facebook, LinkedIn or @dvconindia on Twitter or to comment, please use #dvconindia.

Barbara Benjamin
HighPointe Communications
(503) 209-2323