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Comcores now offers standalone Reed Solomon Forward Error Correction (RSFEC) IP cores


Staff member

Press Release​

Copenhagen, Denmark, September 07, 2023 – Comcores has been developing high quality, first-time right IP cores and solutions for nearly a decade now and we understand that with increasing speed of data communication as well as volumes of data exchange, it is now even more critical to have data transmission that is error-free or error corrected, whether it is High-Speed PAM4 based Chip to Chip Protocol like Interlaken, JESD204D or Ethernet Protocols.

Considering this need of our customers we not only incorporate RSFEC solutions such as 10-bit symbol RS(544,514), RS(528,514) and others in the IP cores we offer, but now also make these RSFEC modules available for individual purchase to our customers for their ASIC projects.

In case you are working on a project that needs Forward Error Correction and can benefit from our expertise in working with RSFEC, write to us at

About Comcores

Comcores is a Key supplier of digital IP Cores and solutions with a focus on Ethernet, Wireless Fronthaul for ORAN and C-RAN, and Chip to Chip Interfaces. Comcores’ mission is to provide best-in-class, state-ofthe- art, quality components and solutions to ASIC, FPGA, and System vendors and drastically reduce their product cost, risk, and time to market. Our long-term background in building communication protocols, ASIC development, wireless networks and digital radio systems has brought a solid foundation for understanding the complex requirements of modern communication tasks. This know-how is used to define and build state-of-the-art, high-quality products used in communication networks.

To know more about our products and solutions please visit us at

Link to Press Release