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I have just been informed that "giving away" Ipad2s at #48DAC is not allowed. Here is a two page promotional guideline from Apple but the bottom line is:
iPad, iPhone and the iPhone Gift Card may not be used in third-party promotions.
The use of "free" as a modifier in any Apple product reference in a prominent manner (headlines, call- outs, etc.) is prohibited.
You must submit all marketing materials related to the promotion of Apple products to Apple for review.
I should have stuck with Andriod tablets! I was able to get a dozen iPad2s before Apple shut me out which I will bring to #48DAC. All future SemiWiki promotions will be Android tablets!
I'm no Apple apologist and if they are actively discouraging using iPads or other Apple products I think that's a big mistake.
That said, did *Apple* inform you or someone else?
The PDF you link to looks official but isn't hosted on apple's servers and the article on about this subject is really short on details. In fact, it never states that anyone was ever contacted by Apple - just that they should have read the rules in that document more closely. I've found similar language regarding promotions on Apple's web site but all of the matches were targeted at international customers. I still think it's a bad idea but perhaps there is a legal reason for the excluding the US?
You raise a good question but I, for one, don't want to do something rash - like use an Android tablet - without getting all the details first.
@CharlieD - that article doesn't actually say anything definitive. Try " Apple Products for Promotions" or some such search. There are some fairly heavy handed restrictions for non-US locals but the only thing I could find that was specific to the US was Apple's trademark policies.
In any case, I'm not shutting down just yet. 15 vendors/organizations giving away iPads at DAC and counting...
For some reason, just doesn't have the same appeal.