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China is moving fast to dominate many medical technologies, especially automating much of medical. There advances in medical robotics in more and more areas will give them an ever-increasing edge over US companies that are saddled with high medical costs for mediocre medical services. Much of the semiconductors needed for medical don't have to be high end or a very limited amount of them needed. This will give the Chinese a large economic edge with medical consuming twenty cents of every dollar in the US. The Chinese are playing the long game and will dominate medical technologies on a worldwide scale due to their lower costs. China will apply this edge across all their industries and endeavors. Unless the US gets its medical business up to world standards in quality and costs, China and others will eat our lunch.
China is moving fast to dominate many medical technologies, especially automating much of medical. There advances in medical robotics in more and more areas will give them an ever-increasing edge over US companies that are saddled with high medical costs for mediocre medical services. Much of the semiconductors needed for medical don't have to be high end or a very limited amount of them needed. This will give the Chinese a large economic edge with medical consuming twenty cents of every dollar in the US. The Chinese are playing the long game and will dominate medical technologies on a worldwide scale due to their lower costs. China will apply this edge across all their industries and endeavors. Unless the US gets its medical business up to world standards in quality and costs, China and others will eat our lunch.
Remember, the US is hampered by HIPPA and patient's rights to privacy. There is no such thing in China. I recently had surgery, which was 100% robotic, impressive. Recovery time was half of what it used to be. The surgery cost $135k+ to which I paid $100. No complaints here. Capitalism at work.
AI will overtake the medical industry as it will most industries. Maybe not in our lifetimes Art but certainly our children and grandchildren will benefit, absolutely. Let's see what the next 4 years brings us. For the first time we have an AI expert (Elon Musk) in a political position of power. What could possibley go wrong?
As I wrote in a Barron's forum that US medical has become the world's most profitable criminal organization taking 20 cents of every single dollar while delivering 37th in quality of care. After Barron's approved publication after six weeks, the medical industry had the web scrubbed of much of my source material. A sad state of affairs.
Dan, what do you think the real costs of your surgery where and why so much? Is it the system that's poor, corruption or just because the technology is in its infancy? I feel robotic surgery will get better as the more it's used the more comprehensive the data base will be. What do you feel the technology and direction robotic surgery will take as the data base for all surgeries grow and can evaluate more options on any procedure?