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The Semi Industry, Wisdom and Society, The Decision is Ours

Arthur Hanson

Well-known member
One may think there is no connection between the semi industry and corruption, but there is and it's a very good one. The semi industry by being the foundation of the web has brought us information real time without geographical restrictions. All this has given us a level of transparency unimagined just few years ago, giving us the information needed to make wise decisions. These technologies has also given us the potential to lower the cost of education/training to the point we will all have the potential to make wise decisions with this new found access to information. The ability to share information is also increasing at a geometric rate, to the point managing it, will be a skill set in and of itself. The smart phone brings us instantaneous images of many events as they happen without any distorting filter what so ever. Tweets have given our President a direct and instantaneous way to communicate with the people directly and frequently. With solar power and advancing batteries many will soon be able to disconnect from the oil companies and utilities that reward our politicians so well. The semi sector has provided the engine that has driven the nanotech revolution that is now penetrating into every single industry and object that we touch, from coatings to complex intelligent devices that impact everything from transportation to our health. No longer can the people who power this industry can work in a vacuum without considering the impact, both good and bad. We now have more power than man has ever imagined increasing at an ever increasing rate. To not take into account the impact of what we do would be immoral, especially with the coming of AI, a factor that has never been encountered before. Now, more than ever before, those who make the technology, must also have a hand in guiding it, for the future is ours with the power of the tech sector increasing not by percentages, but by factors. We must not work blindly and in a vacuum, for that is not what the world is. Comments and thoughts, both critical and positive solicited and welcome on this.

U.S. stocks riding a bull market in corruption - MarketWatch
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