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Nvidia DGX 1, Super Micro Pascal Questions and Speculation, A New Future?

Arthur Hanson

Well-known member
Two super computers, one in a box and one rack mount might be the ultimate game changers, putting AI and deep learning in the hands of many companies and maybe a few rich individuals at well over 120K. This is a profound change, but what I'm really thinking about is when these machines become widespread with a broad range of software available. Just like jobs for the lower end of the labor force being automated at an increasing rate, this will do the same to many professions. The difference is the professions have to power to influence government and regulations to protect themselves at everyone else's expense. Also what happens when within ten years and probably much less when accelerating implementation of technology brings the cost down to 10K and these machines proliferate. We can't just throw a technological bomb out there and hope for the best. The industry should think forward and develop a migration path that will benefit the most for the least cost. The power of technologies in many areas is getting just to great to be left to random chance. I know that these new machines and other advancing technologies offer us literally an unlimited future of promise or destructive dislocation and the choice is ours. The power of promise or destruction are both grossly underestimated and any approach will require careful thought and above all wisdom, for the choices will not be easy or obvious. These machines have the ability to rapidly speed up almost all other technologies substantially. Any comments, thoughts, ideas or processes in place that we don't know about, solicited and welcome.
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