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Microchips for everyone?


New member
Today basically everyone can develop a software application. There are tools and libraries that even a beginner can start coding and succeed in software business. It’s a common practise to utilize open software libraries, it’s even expected.

However, if I have an idea that would include a microchip, I face a wall very quickly. Tools are very expensive and a common workflow does not exist. Isn’t this a big problem? Shouldn’t it be possible to be able to innovate beyond software?

We, Siroic, want to open microchip development for everyone. We’ve been drafting a service that we think could revolutionize microchip business.

At the moment we are part of an experimenting program of Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation #teotratkaisevat. We are gathering feedback and thoughts regarding our service, SiroHub.

SiroHub is a harmonized microchip development environment that integrates EDA tools, data and workflows and takes computing into clouds. SiroHub aims to serve both existing companies and universities as well as new players targeting to use microchips in their innovations.

Check out our website ( and do us a favor in filling the questionnaire. Thanks!