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Intel Changed Mobile Financial Reporting Again?


New member
I read this morning that Intel will change how it reports mobile yet again:

Apr 6, 2015 Intel to Change Financial Reporting Structure
SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 6, 2015 -- Beginning with the publication of Intel Corporation's first-quarter earnings report on Tuesday, April 14, the company will revise the presentation of its operating segments to reflect the combination of the PC Client...

Why? Other than to hide mobile losses? Giving investors less transparency seems like a really bad idea.
On the surface, it's due to the merge of Intel's PC Client Group and the Mobile and Communications Group into the new Client Computing Group as they announced last year. But I agree with you that an obvious effect is that starting this year nobody outside of Intel will be able to tell Intel mobile product's true performance.
I read this morning that Intel will change how it reports mobile yet again:

Apr 6, 2015 Intel to Change Financial Reporting Structure
SANTA CLARA, Calif., April 6, 2015 -- Beginning with the publication of Intel Corporation's first-quarter earnings report on Tuesday, April 14, the company will revise the presentation of its operating segments to reflect the combination of the PC Client...

Why? Other than to hide mobile losses? Giving investors less transparency seems like a really bad idea.

No, not again. They merged mobile into PC client last year, but they did not change the financial reporting structure.
The reason why they do this is, obviously to hide the losses, which will be $3.2 billion this year. If they do not hide the losses they will come under pressure from stock holders to stop the contra-revenue scheme.
No, not again. They merged mobile into PC client last year, but they did not change the financial reporting structure.
The reason why they do this is, obviously to hide the losses, which will be $3.2 billion this year. If they do not hide the losses they will come under pressure from stock holders to stop the contra-revenue scheme.

"Contra Revenue"!
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!