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The warehouse industry is due for radical change as high cube warehouses and AI/ML are combined to deliver efficiencies that will work their way into everything. Combining automated manufacturing with automated material handling will definitely provide efficiencies only dreamed of a short while ago. The lower costs in just, labor, lighting, heating, ventilation and space utilization will be a technical revolution just in themselves in lowering energy, time to produce and package and prepare for shipping will be the beginning of a revolution that will change everything and create revolutionary change is how almost everything is done. Imagine this applied to super markets with virtual reality shopping. All this will open and vastly expand the market for semis of all types. Also, shop lifting which is becoming a major, expensive problem will be sharply reduced and limited to insiders if even that.
Walmart is all in on this kind of technology and is completely transforming their supply chain around it. A typical fulfillment center will have a few hundred to a few thousand robots zipping around in one of these 3d structures. Primarily it's for online order fulfillment, which is a fast growing part of the business.
All other major groceries are also looking for solutions in this area.