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FOSDEM 2017 Electronic Design Automation Devroom


This is the call for participation in the FOSDEM 2017 devroom on Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools, to be held on Sunday 5 February 2017 in Brussels, Belgium. We are looking for contributions under the form of talks and tutorials covering the following main topics:

  • Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design tools (e.g. KiCad and gEDA)
  • Analogue and digital simulators (e.g. ngspice, Qucs, Gnucap, Xyce, GHDL, Icarus and Verilator)
  • Any other EDA tools such as high-level tools for digital hardware design (e.g. Migen) and HDL synthesis tools (e.g. Yosys)
  • Inter-project opportunities for collaboration
We hope to provide an opportunity for attendees to bring themselves up to date on the latest FOSS EDA developments, share knowledge and identify opportunities to collaborate on development tasks. Have a look at last year's event for a taste of what the EDA devroom is about.

OHR Meta Project - FOSDEM2017 - Open Hardware Repository

(FOSDEM 2017 - Home)
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Any Semiwiki followers joining ? I'll likely pass by.
I will unfortunately not be able to go this year, but we will have other representatives from FOSSi Foundation who will present the latest things we have been working on. Hope to be able to swing by next year, and before that there's always orconf of course :)