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FAKE NEWS from EETimes AMD Beats Intel, Nvidia to 7 nm

I'm wondering if intel modifies their equipment like when some countries replace the avionics in an aircraft. If so are the modifications so extensive that it's a different machine.
Good question. I happened to sit next to an academic mechanical engineer at a cryptology conference
banquet in Taipei 10 years or so ago. He was the person who developed the IBM selectric ball mechanism in
Lexington Kentucky. Cryptology then as now is purely computer programs. His view was that Taiwan's
competitive advantage was better mechanical engineering.
I'm wondering if intel modifies their equipment like when some countries replace the avionics in an aircraft. If so are the modifications so extensive that it's a different machine.

I would really surprise me. Most of the semiconductor equipment is maintained during lifetime by the vendor of the machines; likely combined with an up-time requirement agreement.
To IanD: "It would be a shame to see Intel go fabless, but this might be the only sustainable long-term position for them."

Do you still think that "real men have wafer fab"?

I don't think it's a shame for Intel to compete, and win if their product is better, by using TSMC to be on time on the market... I DO think it would be a shame to miss the right market window, just because Intel would desperately try to deliver chips from their own fab, and fail because of yield issue!