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A submarine is one of the most complex weapons of war and to be autonomous the number of semiconductors involved in the numerous functions, especially in a submarine designed or warfare, must be extreme and of the latest generations. It is the military that drives much of innovation and with the oceans set to become our greatest source of future resources, the drive for semis applied to this area is set to grow at an accelerating rate for decades as the oceans are the least developed and explored part of this planet. The Gulf Stream is one of the greatest sources of power on the planet and it remains untapped. Semis of all types will be critical in developing these resources in an environmentally safe and effective manner. This is in a market that is just in the very early stages of development.
The Orca unmanned autonomous submersible will be capable of crossing entire oceans and fulfilling a variety of missions, from hunting mines to sinking submarines.
The Orca unmanned autonomous submersible will be capable of crossing entire oceans and fulfilling a variety of missions, from hunting mines to sinking submarines.
A submarine is one of the most complex weapons of war and to be autonomous the number of semiconductors involved in the numerous functions, especially in a submarine designed or warfare, must be extreme and of the latest generations. It is the military that drives much of innovation and with the oceans set to become our greatest source of future resources, the drive for semis applied to this area is set to grow at an accelerating rate for decades as the oceans are the least developed and explored part of this planet. The Gulf Stream is one of the greatest sources of power one the planet and it remains untapped. Semis of all types will be critical in developing these resources in an environmentally safe and effective manner. This is in a market that is just in the very early stages of development.