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Arm prices IPO at $51 per share, valuing company at over $54 billion

I'm going to keep an eye on ARM. I got own some TSMC shares. I'm trying to build an investment based around the semis industry.
It's amazing that Softbank only offers 10% while maintaining control via 90% of ARM ownership.

I wonder how the other offerings Softbank has made have done? This one seems very risky.
I wonder how the other offerings Softbank has made have done? This one seems very risky.
The guy has so much money I dont think he cares.
Matayohsi San was held up as some kind of guru when he was piling in and pumping up valuations and got lucky when one hit with Alibaba.
Then he got lucky again with stumping up the most for ARM.
However it look like he is like the guy at the poker table with most money, doesnt really know whats going on , just bets big all the time as win or lose no matter