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Modern CPUs, GPUs and SoCs have a major problem. SRAM memory scaling is dead. In this video I discuss new disruptive memory technology that may solve this problem.
:00:00 - Major Problem with Modern Chips 09:00 - Possible Solution 11:24 - New Memory Technology Explained
She is correct, Chiplets are the answer. I have a presentation at FMS in 3 weeks on how Chiplets solve memory scaling issues, Cost issues, and new memory adoption issues. PCM obviously is not the solution, and there never will be a "universal memory" but we have cost comparisons of different options and impacts to foundry and niche memory players.
There are new memory materials every year. They take about 10 years to reach chip form. and there are physical reasons why memory is not likely to be universal. We show that in our memory product lifecycle model. We also have updates on all new memories at FMS in 3 Weeks.
Data-centric applications benefit from dense, low-power memory. Here the authors use a combination of chalcogenide superlattices and nanocomposites to achieve low switching voltage (0.7 V) and fast speed (40 ns) in 40-nm-scale phase-change memory.
She is correct, Chiplets are the answer. I have a presentation at FMS in 3 weeks on how Chiplets solve memory scaling issues, Cost issues, and new memory adoption issues. PCM obviously is not the solution, and there never will be a "universal memory" but we have cost comparisons of different options and impacts to foundry and niche memory players.
Modern CPUs, GPUs and SoCs have a major problem. SRAM memory scaling is dead. In this video I discuss new disruptive memory technology that may solve this problem.
:00:00 - Major Problem with Modern Chips 09:00 - Possible Solution 11:24 - New Memory Technology Explained