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AI/ML/Automation, Certifications, Degrees, Government, Business Structures?

Arthur Hanson

Well-known member
AI/ML/Automation combined are becoming such powerful tools and becoming more so at an ever-accelerating rate. This trend is now more and more is being left to chance in many ways and not being handled with planning and strategy. If handled properly the upside is staggering, but if handled without proper integration and planning the downside and dangers are as large as the upside. These trends have become far too powerful to be left to chance, for power of this magnitude may be even more destructive than constructive. I feel at the very least it deserves a cabinet level post and officers at large companies to maximize the potential and reduce the very real risks, both of which are growing with the power of tech to grow at a rate unimagined just a few years ago. The AI/ML/Automation of everything wave is now coming upon us at a rate we have not seen in past advancements and like nuclear/biological endeavors must be handled with care. Any suggestions/observations appreciated. The disruption is here and now. Trying to read trends is how I make my living, and no one has seen a tidal wave of change like we are about to see and the downside could easily be as large as the upside. We are already seeing up sides and downsides increase is scope, size and frequency. Thanks