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Samtec-backed Phalanx Robotics Prepares for BattleBots

Daniel Nenni

Staff member
May 26, 2020 By Matt Burns

#robotcombat #combatrobots #robotwars #WeWantSeason5 #WeGotSeason5

These are some of the most popular hashtags used by a growing number of global BattleBots enthusiasts. Teams from all backgrounds design, build and test robots of all sizes for one purpose in mind: Robot Combat!

What is BattleBots?
BattleBots has been around for decades. Teams from around the world participate in local, regional, national and world events. Watch the video below for a quick peak.

Pretty cool, huh? It’s not for everybody, but the interest and energy at the competitions is real. Fans root for their favorite Bots and teams like they are at a professional sporting event.

The BattleBots competitions get the limelight, but an important focus of the event is STEM education. Many teams are student-led. Bot Builders young and old get hands-on training in electronics, mechanics, pneumatics and other areas. This early exposure often influences choices in college, major and career paths.

The Phalanx Robotics Team
Samtec has supported STEM outreach in several areas. Some of our technical leaders have cross paths with the team at Phalanx Robotics. They got their start building an ultra-high efficiency electric vehicle for the Shell Eco-Marathon. More recently, they have turned their attention to BattleBots!

They are developing a Roman-themed Aegis flipper bot. Metals frame? Check. Drivetrain? Check. Fiberglass body? Check. Motors and pneumatics? Check.

The entire team is focused on competing and winning at BattleBots. Check out some of the progress they have made.


Hey, is that a custom frame?

Unfortunately, the BattleBots World Championships have been delayed. However, Team Phalanx continues to prepare for the event. Samtec looks forward to seeing our connectors in action on Aegis.

The Latest from Phalanx Robotics
Despite coronavirus delays, the Phalanx Robotics team continues to develop the Aegis robot. Follow them on Instagram or their website.
Stay tuned to the Samtec blog for further updates on Aegis and BattleBots! Also, check out our latest Micro Rugged Solutions Guide. These interconnect solutions are ideally for bots and similar applications.