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Search results

  1. C

    U.S. wants to contain China's chip industry. This startup shows it won't be easy

    Also - for anyone thinking on how this might turn out - you might want to turn back 235 years And not because I am...
  2. C

    U.S. wants to contain China's chip industry. This startup shows it won't be easy

    One of the core assumptions in containing China's chip development industry is that improvements in process lithography (smaller implementations) will constrain compute capabilities. If I didn't know better, I would have to agree this is pretty obvious stuff. The problem comes about when more...
  3. C

    New type of Micro Transistor to Improve AI efficiency dramatically?

    Perhaps a bit of a teaser - but +99% energy savings is already available with 10-year old 2D/2.5D technology. For detailed logic performance, I defer to those producing microcontroller designs, but for data transfer - and more than 50% of power goes into moving data between systems and logic...
  4. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    Sorry - have I had too many experiences with Synopsys and other IP companies? Each time I discuss the detailed particulars of a semiconductor company's implementation, I agree not to share that information. The information is limited to my review and use and not for public dissemination? We...
  5. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    The Papers were presented at the Conference yes. We demonstrated the switching on site although it was only a bridge at the time. I agree that the nature of the implementation is confusing. Particularly if you view it from traditional networking. (there is no network - only the "effect" of one)...
  6. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    I can share Architecture Specifications under NDA - It's a hard thing to dump into the world without a modicum of security. The ASIC designer who wrote it is a bit of an expert in Peripheral Switching so its been tested. My challenge has been implementing it in order to get the "AHA" moment.
  7. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    Totally Awesome Cliff .... but it might be where I fear I lose everyone. ;-) The switching fabric/arrangement itself does not require a CPU, nor SERDES, and we have no SRAM requirement. The open digital CPO design from Ranovus is an ideal implementation as it would integrate direct from the OE...
  8. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    Constructing secure peer data connectivity for mobile systems Re-envisioning digital architectures connecting CE hardware for security, reliability and low energy I am calculating to a 4GHz speed. The design is not constrained to a specific clock - connections will dictate. I use 4 GHz to...
  9. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    Sure - as soon as I lock in a customer / investor. Immediately we are implementing a 4-port USB consumer data exchange switch using the FPGA - 40ns cross-switch latency at 100MHz. It is developed using the eFinnix platform which has lots of edge IOs for IoT. Considering the USB controller...
  10. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    The FPGA power estimation for the switch logic is provided by the FPGA Manufacturer - this would be a third-party estimate and a more reliable / independent assessment. I will have my engineer take a simulation reading as well.
  11. C

    What architectural modifications do you expect AI accelerator providers to make over the next ten years in order to meet the computation demand?

    I feel waaaay out of place with my ~20 block PowerPoint design. Granted such specifications rely heavily on those analog automated routing solutions. ;-) I could look at printing it on much thicker paper so as to qualify for the billions of funding.
  12. C

    What architectural modifications do you expect AI accelerator providers to make over the next ten years in order to meet the computation demand?

    I have some work to show @Tanj and others, but I am all in on my view to cutting transistor counts by 10s to 100s of millions to deliver more data with less power and latency. My view is that the industry will grasp the potential cut through much of the complexity with 'intelligent'...
  13. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    @Tanj - sure - we do have a granted patent on the method. It is obscured in the fact we implemented first with USB - hardly a conspicuous Data Center implementation. I will have an updated kitchen sink filing within the month that has a more direct applications for data centers and semiconductor...
  14. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    Describing my understanding of networking science as lean is fair - and I would add "rushed' and "haphazard". Without the 20-40 years of network engineering experience, I am trying to explain how this platform works by relying on a 1990's data communications course from my MBA - a peripheral...
  15. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    The design is to eliminate queuing so no overprovisioning required. Also - the goal is to keep everything to a single hop. For now, we constrained the design to 100% capacity so there is no tailing latency as there is a perfect balance between throughput and demand. 10 million cores is a real...
  16. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    Ok - too much too fast. Got it. A dragonfly cabling arrangement is a direct data topology ... I was trying to say that this is what we create - a direct point-to-point data path - implemented dynamically and temporarily. A cross-over cable is a cable that has had the internal wires crossed...
  17. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    @Tanj - Good points - and completely within the realm of current engineering approaches. In addition to my earlier explanation: Our design does not over provision - only 100% of potential data exchange is implemented. Like the Google example - this is like Ai routing or circuit creation, but...
  18. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    If I hadn't created a magic box that works with negligible power and completely eliminates tailing latencies - I would agree. I will say that my design does tend to abuse the term "remote procedure calls" but let's say that delegated access to any / all connected resources is totally the objective!
  19. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    Yes - the author of the paper is an investor / cofounder of Eliyan who is building upon the UCIe concept with an alternative implementation. I can see some value to the offering - but it will be hard to compete against an open standard - although there will be variations. Everyone wants to eek...
  20. C

    Google says its AI supercomputer is faster, greener than Nvidia A100 chip

    ROFL I completely understand that I am coming from far out in left field. ..... I can see that cliff is very open to encouraging someone that is even more left field than he is. And as much as I confuse.. I do promise that there is a solid landing on the other side of imagination (granted...