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Health maintenance and early prevention are key to keeping costs down. Many medical devices are now very cheap to have at home and this market is growing adding new forms of health monitoring every year.
US medical is not about quality or value, but about profits, sad, but true. Automation, I feel is the best answer. Also it should be risk based, why should a junkie suck up seven figures in medical care that others pay for?
Cerebras, which has made supercomputers for our national labs is about to enter the civilian market. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. The do have the largest single chip with over a trillion transistors about the size of a small Ipad.
You are dead on, pardon the pun. Reform is needed if the US to avoid medical destroying our economic edge due to inefficient, low quality, high cost medical. Automation of many functions is just one step that is needed. We can no longer subsidize medical care for the irresponsible, just like...
What is your view on the latest medical robotics and the new dental robot? The Chinese are big on dental robotics having one that does dental implants. Will the Chinese take the lead in medical robots? My step grandfather died at 89 , but it was because he had just finished laying over a ton...
Dan, I agree, but age is how one takes care of oneself. Medical insurance should be like car insurance, if you are reckless with your health, your premium is higher, even much higher and this would have to include medicare. Jack LaLane worked out with 300 lb. weights at 90 and a long swim...
With medical costs soaring worldwide, the automation of medical will be the next battleground. With AI, large data bases and advanced robotics we are already seeing a revolution in medical in places. China is making great inroads in this area and if the US doesn't follow suit, medical costs...
From robotics to cutting edge research AI/ML of everything at an ever-accelerating rate as it feeds on itself at a compounding rate. The people, companies and countries that master this trend will be the ultimate winners at a rate of progress that will be unmatched in human history. This trend...
Any thoughts on this new memory technology and who the winners will be...
A Chinese assault on Taiwan would be a disaster for all sides and could easily lead to an unthinkable nuclear way as a product of misjudgment. War would be a loser for all, China for their trade for shipping would collapse as would finance. The resources spent on even a short, small war would...
The first quality a high-tech culture needs is an open minded and culture free to explore the unknown in as many areas as possible. A top-down dictatorship does not provide the culture or initiative for this on the broad scale needed for success. An open culture allows new thought patterns and...
Does Intel management have the vision and skill set to use the money it receives from the government, or is the current management team too far behind the curve?
Thank you for the excellent observations. I feel AI/ML will be integrated with sensors from lab experiments and eventually actually run labs it it has already done in more than a few cases. The integration of AI/ML into systems was already begun a few years ago and that is just the beginning...
As most of you know, a nuclear reaction involves compounding on a massive scale only duplicated in the stars. This is about to happen with AI as it will soon be compounding knowledge on itself, taking the speed of progress in just about everything it touches to levels unprecedented in human...
With major software failures proven they can damage economic activity just by accident, will software conflicts be the next major front in war? If so who will be the instigators and who will be the victors, or will it become just a giant mess.? Will current security measures be enough to...
This is considered a different path to AI that can actually reason with far lower...
Just like compound interest, knowledge can compound with the right management teams and the right people. Fall behind in either area, and a company as a whole will fall behind. Both success and failure can compound in both directions, up and down. Imbuing this is a company culture is critical...
The world and social structures are stressed to the breaking point as wars, conflicts and environmental damage are showing at an ever-increasing rate. The recent advances in AI/ML/AA present great opportunities to improve efficiencies in almost everything to the point if managed properly to...
With medical taking twenty cents of every dollar in the US for medical that is not even close to top quality, will the Chinese with fast advancing medical robots of all types enable them to take the economic lead in the future? This is a market of staggering size from automated surgery and...
Any thoughts on this new area for chips? I hope it never leads to a brain control interface. The thought of it leading to a brain control chip might be next could have serious social implications that have not been fully explored. Any...